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Rebuilding The Renaissance podcast will explore the development of the art, architecture, culture and history in Italy, from ancient Roman times through the Renaissance. Listeners will develop an understanding of Italy’s role in the development of Western civilization and an ability to appreciate and understand works of art in their historical context.
Episode 315 – Answers to Open Questions XXIII - Posted: January 30th, 2025
From why the façade of San Lorenzo was never completed, to the use of the “golden ratio” in the Medici Palace, to the speed of Caravaggio’s painting technique and his use of the camera obscura, to future podcasts on Sofonisba Anguissola and Artemisia Gentileschi, to why Bramante is consider...
Episode 314 – Bernini’s “Equestrian Monument of King Louis XIV” - Posted: January 22nd, 2025
Although commissioned while Bernini was in Paris in 1665, Bernini did not work on the statue until he returned to Rome. When it was finally delivered to Paris 20 years later, it was immediately rejected by the king, who vowed to destroy it!...
Episode 313 – Bernini and King Louis XIV - Posted: January 15th, 2025
In April of 1665, Gian Lorenzo Bernini was sent by Pope Alexander VII to the court of King Louis XIV in Paris as a gesture of goodwill between monarchs. Although Bernini’s main project was the design of the east façade of the Palace of the Louvre (which was eventually rejected, perhaps out of jea...
Episode 312 – Bernini’s “Vision of Constantine” - Posted: January 8th, 2025
Originally commissioned in 1654 by Pope Innocent X to be a free-standing statue in the Basilica of St. Peter, Bernini’s “Vision of Constantine” was later incorporated into Bernini’s Scala Regia. The marble statue represents – in typical Bernini dramatic fashion – the miraculous vision of...
Episode 311 – Bernini’s Scala Regia - Posted: January 2nd, 2025
In 1663, Pope Alexander VII commissioned Gian Lorenzo Bernini to restore and reinvent the official royal staircase – “Scala Regia” in Italian - leading up to the Apostolic Palace. The result was one of the world’s most majestic and breathtaking staircases....
Episode 310 – Bernini’s Sant’Andrea al Quirinale in Rome - Posted: December 26th, 2024
Gian Lorenzo Bernini was commissioned in 1658 by the nephew of the late Pope Innocent X to build the third Jesuit church in Rome. Sant’ Andrea al Quirinale was Bernini’s first church project, and he did not disappoint. The combination of convex and concave forms dressed in polychromed marbles, g...
Episode 309 – Bernini and St. Peter’s Square - Posted: December 18th, 2024
In 1656, Gian Lorenzo Bernini was commissioned by Pope Alexander VII to design and build an appropriate forecourt to the Basilica of St. Peter, known as Piazza San Pietro (“St. Peter’s Square”). The resulting space is one of the greatest triumphs of Baroque architecture, combining a trapezoida...
Episode 308 – Gian Lorenzo Bernini’s “Chair of St. Peter” - Posted: December 11th, 2024
In 1647, Gian Lorenzo began work on a monumental reliquary for an ancient wooden chair (“Cathedra Petri”) thought to have belonged to St. Peter himself. The result was a spectacular ensemble of sculpture, gilded architecture, stained-glass and stucco that dominates the western apse of the grea...
Episode 307 – Bernini’s “Fountain of the Four Rivers” - Posted: December 4th, 2024
In 1651, with the help of the niece of Pope Innocent X, Bernini was able to sneak his design for the “Fountain of the Four Rivers” into the Pamphilj Palace. When Innocent saw it, he realized that despite being excluded from the competition, Bernini was clearly Rome’s greatest artist and deserv...