"Leonardo da Vinci and the Art of Sculpture" by Gary Radke

Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519) is renowned as a painter, designer, draftsman, architect, engineer, scientist, and theorist. His work as a sculptor is not commonly acknowledged, and many have argued that Leonardo believed that sculpture was an inferior art form (“of lesser genius than painting”). Challenging and overturning these assumptions, Leonardo da Vinci and the Art of Sculpture looks at the sculptural projects that the artist undertook, as well as the late Renaissance sculptures that were indebted to him. Another highlight of the book is a group of new images of the “John the Baptist Preaching to a Levite and a Pharisee,” a recently restored large-scale work in the Florentine Baptistery that clearly demonstrates Leonardo’s collaboration with Giovanni Rustici. Buona lettura!

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