Rocky Ruggiero, Ph.D. EXCLUSIVE WEBINAR | “Let Me Tell You About the Birds and the Bees: Leonardo da Vinci and the Natural World” with Dr. Jeremy Wasser January 11, 2023
Rocky Ruggiero, Ph.D. EXCLUSIVE WEBINAR | “Live Virtual Tour from St. Peter’s Square in Rome” January 3, 2021
info EXCLUSIVE WEBINAR | “Medici Magnificence, Money, and Monsters” with Dr. Marcello Simonetta February 16, 2022
Julianne Miller EXCLUSIVE WEBINAR | “Michelangelo, God’s Architect” with Dr. Bill Wallace February 6, 2021
Rocky Ruggiero, Ph.D. EXCLUSIVE WEBINAR | “Petrarch’s Grandchildren: Humanists in the Golden Age of Florence” with Ross King October 14, 2020
Rocky Ruggiero, Ph.D. EXCLUSIVE WEBINAR | “Public Renaissance: What Italian Piazzas Were For” with Dr. Fabrizio Nevola August 1, 2020
Rocky Ruggiero, Ph.D. EXCLUSIVE WEBINAR | “Reinventing Risotto” with Executive Chef Matteo Boglione December 11, 2020
Rocky Ruggiero, Ph.D. EXCLUSIVE WEBINAR | “Ross King recounts Leonardo’s Last Supper” October 22, 2019
Julianne Miller EXCLUSIVE WEBINAR | “Splendid Tables: The Renaissance Art of Banqueting” with Dr. Gary Radke February 20, 2021 EXCLUSIVE WEBINAR | “Stick With Me, Baby, And You’ll Be Wearing Squirrel” Renaissance Art and the Advent of Abundance with Quentin Hardy July 21, 2021
Rocky Ruggiero, Ph.D. EXCLUSIVE WEBINAR | “Stigmata: The Art and Medicine of the Wounds of Christ” with Dr. Jeremy Wasser February 14, 2024
Julianne Miller EXCLUSIVE WEBINAR | “Tell Michelangelo It Was Only Business: Capitalism and Celebrity in the Renaissance” with Quentin Hardy February 27, 2021
Rocky Ruggiero, Ph.D. EXCLUSIVE WEBINAR | “Thanksgiving Turkey My Way” with Executive Chef Matteo Boglione November 19, 2019 EXCLUSIVE WEBINAR | “The Adoration of the Magi by Leonardo da Vinci: The Rediscovery of a Masterpiece” with Maurizio Seracini March 3, 2021