Rocky Ruggiero, Ph.D. ONLINE HISTORY COURSE | “Italian City-States at the Time of Dante” with Dr. Fabrizio Ricciardelli LIVE COURSE November 20, 2023
info ONLINE HISTORY COURSE | Call the Midwife: Women Healers from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance with Dr. Jeremy Wasser LIVE COURSE May 18, 2022
info ONLINE HISTORY COURSE | The Chymical Wedding: Alchemy and Art, Medicine and Magic in the Middle Ages and Renaissance with Dr. Jeremy Wasser LIVE COURSE November 5, 2021
info ONLINE HISTORY COURSE | The Nature of the Body: Medicine in the Renaissance as Told Through Science, Art, Literature, and Music LIVE COURSE September 2, 2021
Rocky Ruggiero, Ph.D. ONLINE LANGUAGE COURSE | “Italian Language for Summer Vacation” with Dr. Erin McCarthy King LIVE COURSE April 13, 2023
info ONLINE LANGUAGE COURSE | Intermediate Italian with Dr. Erin McCarthy King LIVE COURSE October 6, 2021
Julianne Miller ONLINE LANGUAGE COURSE | Italian for Beginners with Dr. Erin McCarthy King LIVE COURSE June 16, 2021
info ONLINE LANGUAGE COURSE | Italian for Travel with Dr. Erin McCarthy King LIVE COURSE November 5, 2021
info ONLINE LANGUAGE COURSE | Passaporto: Italian Language, Conversation, and Culture with Dr. Erin McCarthy King LIVE COURSE April 22, 2022
Rocky Ruggiero, Ph.D. ONLINE LITERATURE COURSE | “Dante’s Inferno for the 21st-Century Reader” with Dr. Kristin Stasiowski LIVE COURSE January 15, 2021
Julianne Miller ONLINE LITERATURE COURSE | “The Hill We Climb”: Dante’s Purgatory for the 21st Century Reader with Dr. Kristin Stasiowski LIVE COURSE June 7, 2021
info ONLINE LITERATURE COURSE | “Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door”: Dante’s Paradiso and What Makes Dante “Divine” Dr. Kristin Stasiowski LIVE COURSE August 2, 2021
info ONLINE LITERATURE COURSE | “Make it New”: The Invention of the Modern Italian Novel with Dr. Kristin Stasiowski LIVE COURSE November 4, 2021
info ONLINE LITERATURE COURSE | Binging on Boccaccio: The Decameron as Hope and Healing in “Pandemic Times” October 4, 2021
Rocky Ruggiero, Ph.D. POP-UP | “A Renaissance Christmas 3.0” with Dr. Rocky Ruggiero December 6, 2023