FREE WEBINAR | "Michelangelo, Masaccio and Giotto: The Chapels that defined the Renaissance"
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Michelangelo, Masaccio and Giotto: The Chapels that defined the Renaissance
Presented by Dr. Rocky Ruggiero

Date & Time:
Tuesday, March 8, 2022
11:30am – 12:30pm ET | 8:30 – 9:30am PT |
4:30 – 5:30pm London


FREE WEBINAR | “Michelangelo, Masaccio and Giotto: The Chapels that defined the Renaissance”
Presented by Dr. Rocky Ruggiero

The paintings of the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua by Giotto, of the Brancacci Chapel in Florence by Masolino and Masaccio, and on the Sistine Chapel ceiling in Rome by Michelangelo respectively represent three extraordinary milestones in the history of painting. Each of these decorative complexes presents a revolutionary artistic interpretation of Christian iconography. In the Scrovegni chapel, Giotto introduces a type of “visual vernacular” by humanizing the divine protagonists of biblical stories. The Brancacci chapel instead clearly demonstrates the evolution of Gothic to Renaissance painting styles. On the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, Michelangelo would instead introduce his epic vision of the Old Testament as expressed through his radical interpretations of traditional subject matter and through his celebration of the male nude form. Join Dr. Rocky for this free webinar where he will analyze and compare these three magnificent chapels.

The webinar will include a 45-minute lecture followed by 15-minutes of Q&A.

Registration is closed for this event. Please email us at to request the Zoom link.


1 Hour
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