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Rebuilding The Renaissance podcast will explore the development of the art, architecture, culture and history in Italy, from ancient Roman times through the Renaissance. Listeners will develop an understanding of Italy’s role in the development of Western civilization and an ability to appreciate and understand works of art in their historical context.
Episode 87 – Florence: Donatello’s Bronze “David” – Part I
Posted: September 16th, 2020
Episode Info:
This episode is the first of a two-part episode that examines one of the most beautiful and controversial sculptures in history. In this first part, we exam the history, museum context, and unusual iconography of the sculpture....
Episode 86 – An Interview with Temple St. Clair – Part II
Posted: September 9th, 2020
Episode Info:
This episode is the second part of my two-part interview with celebrated jewelry designer Temple St. Clair where we learn how the beauty and traditions of Florence, Italy help shape her brilliant creations....
Episode 85 – An Interview with Temple St. Clair – Part I
Posted: September 2nd, 2020
Episode Info:
This episode is the first of a two-part interview with world-renowned jewelry designer and good friend Temple St. Clair. Learn how the beauty, traditions and craftsmanship of Florence, Italy, played a major role in both the personal and professional life of this celebrated artist and e...
Episode 84 – Florence: The Gates of Paradise by Lorenzo Ghiberti – Part II
Posted: August 26th, 2020
Episode Info:
This episode is the second part of the two-part episode dedicated to Lorenzo Ghiberti's celebrated doors known as the "Gates of Paradise". In this second part, we look at each individual panel to examine its style, composition and iconography, where we discover Ghiberti was indeed a ma...
Episode 83 – Florence: The Gates of Paradise by Lorenzo Ghiberti – Part 1
Posted: August 19th, 2020
Episode Info:
This episode examines the history and provenance of the world's most famous and beautiful doors - the so-called "Gates of Paradise" that were produced by Lorenzo Ghiberti between 1425-1452. Today, the Renaissance doors are one of the artistic gems of the Museo Dell'Opera del Duomo (Cat...
Episode 81 – Florence: Holy Trinity by Masaccio Part II
Episode Info:
This episode analyzes the mathematics involved in the creation of the first perspectival painting in history. Learn how geometry and algebra were not only part of the construction of the three-dimensional space, but also a surprising way to illustrate important theological doctrines....
Episode 80 – Florence: Holy Trinity by Masaccio
Episode Info:
This episode will discuss what might just be the most important painting in Florence - Masaccio's Holy Trinity in the church of Santa Maria Novella in Florence, Italy. Learn how this fresco, which was the first in history to apply linear perspective, was lost in the 16th Century when t...
Episode 79 – Florence: Brunelleschi’s Dome – Part II
Episode Info:
This is the second part of my two-part episode about Brunelleschi and the construction of the dome of Florence cathedral. Learn how the great architect out-smarted his competitors, won the contract for and then realized the world's largest dome in only 16 years. Then discover the secre...