Venetian Mask Making for Kids

Sites Visited

Campo San Polo

Antique Venetian Masks studio

Meeting in the lobby of the hotel with children and parents to meet your children’s Private Expert Guide and spend some time to make acquaintance. Children will then leave the hotel with our Expert Guide to discover the heart of Venice and share their imagination to create something really characteristic for the city, a Venetian Mask. Walking from the hotel they will reach one of the most lively and colorful campo of the city, Campo San Polo, children will discover an antique Venetian masks studio and meet the owner who will teach them how to decorate a real mask.

Children will choose among masks from the Carnival, from Venetian daily life and the theatre “Commedia dell’Arte” or modern, fantasy models. The craftsman will give them a theoretical explanation to understand the meaning of each mask and the different coloring techniques to express their creativity, and they will at the end take home their hand made mask that they made and photographs of the day.

We will then accompany them back to the hotel stopping first for a famous Italian Gelato.

*4 hours tour designed for families. For children 8 years and up we can take the children on the tour without the parents so that parents can relax and the children in the meantime will have fun but of course parents are always welcome as they also enjoy creating the masks. On request after the tour we can also take children to lunch extend the tour to 6 hours. Please note that the mask studio will be opened exclusively for your clients. We can also all go together and while we stay with the children making the masks parents can go off on their own in the off the beaten track area to enjoy some free time and then they can meet us back up and we can return together.

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