FLASH WEBINAR | "A Unique Encounter with Italy’s ‘Sommo Poeta’ – Dante Alighieri"
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A Unique Encounter with Italy’s ‘Sommo Poeta’ – Dante Alighieri
Presented by Dr. Eric Nicholson
With Additional Commentary by Dr. Rocky Ruggiero                                                                                                                                                    

Date & Time:
Saturday, March 20, 2021
2:00 pm ET / 11:00 am PT


FLASH WEBINAR | “A Unique Encounter with Italy’s ‘Sommo Poeta’ – Dante Alighieri”
Presented by Dr. Eric Nicholson
With Additional Commentary by Dr. Rocky Ruggiero

Five days before Italy’s official Dante Day on March 25, 2021, you can get a head start on the 700th anniversary celebrations by “meeting” the Supreme Poet himself, in a LIVE STREAM conversation DIRECT FROM FLORENCE, ITALY, hosted by Professor Eric Nicholson of Syracuse University Florence and NYU Florence. Through a special time travel performance, Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) will appear before your eyes, not only to tell you of his life in late medieval Italy, but also to talk with you about his ideas, his poems, and even his views on the modern world. What inspired him to write Inferno? What were his favorite books, songs, works of art, food and drink in 1300, and what are his favorite ones in 2021? What would his advice be to readers of “The Divine Comedy”? How might he update his poem to connect it with today’s events and people? And to the worldwide web? These are just some of the many questions that you might put to Dante during this unique interactive event.

The webinar will include a 45-minute lecture followed by 15-minutes of Q&A.

Please note:

  • Your participation is confirmed once you have purchased your ticket. You will receive the Zoom link to join the presentation circa 30 minutes before the start time.
  • VIDEO RECORDING of the webinar will be available for unlimited streaming at your convenience for 7 days after the event.
1 hour
Tour Type
Flash Webinar

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