FLORIDA ITALIAN RENAISSANCE ACADEMY | “Three Renaissance Capitals: Rome, Florence and Venice”
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“Three Renaissance Capitals: Rome, Florence and Venice”

with Dr. Rocky Ruggiero


“Three Renaissance Capitals: Rome, Florence and Venice”

Dates: February 23 – 24, 2023
Time: 11:00am  – 3:15pm
Arturo’s Restaurant, 6750 N Federal Hwy, Boca Raton, FL 33487

Cost: $675.00
All-in person lectures with Dr. Rocky
Morning coffee and biscotti
Two-course group lunch at Arturo’s

Program Description:

This two-day intensive in-person academy will examine the unique artistic and historical identities of the three major Italian cities that helped shape the course of Western civilization. Each of these cities enjoyed periods of political, economic, and cultural prominence that left an indelible thumbprint upon history.  Much of the extraordinary artistic and architectural production that accompanied each city’s “golden age” still survives and serves as testimony to their former greatness.


  • DAY 1 – THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2023:

– Session 1 – 11am-12:30pm – “The Birth of a City, Fact and Fiction: Historical Origins and Foundation Myths”

Rome, Florence, and Venice all possess legendary foundation myths regarding their historical origins. As captivating as these stories are, their magical nature seems to preclude any historical accuracy. Yet, much of the social and historical identity of each city is explained by these myths. In this lecture, we shall examine each respective foundation myth and how, perhaps, they tell us much more about these three Renaissance capitals than archeology ever could.

– Lunch break – 12:30-2pm (Group light lunch in Arturo’s)

– Session 2- 2-3:15pm – “From Imperial to Impoverished to Entrepreneurial: The Rise, Fall and Rise of the Three Capitals”

With the advent of the Middle Ages, each city evolved in its own unique way. While Rome struggled to maintain some semblance of civilization under the authority of medieval popes, Florence and Venice would go on to become two of the most stable, prosperous, and powerful city states in medieval Europe. This lecture will examine and compare the three Renaissance capitals and their singular histories during the Middle Ages.


  • DAY 2 – FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2023:

– Session 1 – 11am-12:30pm – “When in Florence, do as the Romans do: Why the Renaissance did not begin in Rome”

While everyone knows that the Renaissance was the rebirth of classical Greco-Roman Antiquity, few wonder why the movement did not begin in the most logical of places – Rome! Instead, the Renaissance began in Florence and was eventually exported to other Italian cities, including Venice and Rome, and eventually made its way to nearly all European capitals. This lecture will examine the social and economic circumstances of each Renaissance capital during the early Renaissance period how they ultimately determined which city was the most fertile ground for the resurgence of classical culture.

– Lunch break – 12:30-2pm (two course group lunch in Arturo’s main dining room)

– Session 2- 2-3:15pm – “And the Winner is… Striving for Supremacy in Renaissance Italy”

While the Renaissance began in Florence around the year 1400, it did not begin in Venice and Rome until around 1500. But once it did, these two cities rapidly sought to surpass Florence as cultural capitals.  While the popes sought to lure Italy’s most celebrated artists, such as Michelangelo, Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci, and Bramante, to Rome, Venice developed its own national arsenal of celebrated in-house Renaissance artists, such as Titian, Bellini, Tintoretto, and Veronese. This lecture will explore and compare the art and architecture of the three Renaissance capitals during the 16th and 17th centuries and assess how each city was striving to become the cultural capital of Europe.


Terms & Conditions

Cancellation and Refund Policy:
Payment in full is required at the time of registration and all sales are final. No refunds are offered on events. We reserve the right to reschedule or cancel a class or event due to unforeseen circumstances, inclement weather, or otherwise. In the event of an event cancellation, we will contact you directly at the phone number or email address you have provided to offer a full refund or credit to transfer to a future event.

2 Days
Tour Type
In-Person Art History Academy
  • February 23, 2023
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